Tag Archives: biodiversity

Annual Sustainability Report Notes Marine Trends: Good News and Bad

The United Nations 2018 Sustainable Development Goals Report reviews the progress made during 2018 on the 17 sustainability goals set by the United Nations. Goal 14, “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”, remains challenging. View the full 2018 report: https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2018

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Dead Zones that Choke Marine Life Also Found in Freshwater Streams

Hypoxic dead zones, which occur when dissolved oxygen levels in water drop so low that fish and other aquatic animals living there suffocate, are well-documented problems in many coastal waters. Now, a Duke University-led study reveals that they also occur in freshwater urban streams. The study measured dissolved oxygen concentrations, light levels, water chemistry and stream flow in six streams

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Open Channels: Sustainable Meetings Around the World

Open Channels is a sustainable ocean management and conservation group that provides an information hub for ocean professionals geared toward sustainability. Open Channels provides listservs, an online library, webinars, calls for proposals, podcasts and more information in an online community platform. The organization also aggregates a list of sustainable ocean conferences and meetings around the world. Check out the list

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U.K. Report Examines the Future of the Sea

The U.K.’s Government Office for Science released its Future of the Sea final report today. The document addresses major impacts on the sea including governance, environmental issues, marine resources and economic potential of the sea. The Foresight project that produced the report also created a series of evidence reviews on specific topics including cybersecurity, shipping trends, ocean acidification, aquaculture and

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