Tag Archives: Arctic

ROV Trials Prep for Arctic Research

Forum Energy Technologies’ light work-class ROV, Comanche 38, has successfully completed sea trials with Amundsen Science (Université Laval, Canada). The ROV was sold to the scientific research organization last year and will support exploration of Arctic and sub-Arctic seafloor ecosystems. The vehicle was installed onboard the Canadian research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen.  The ROV’s deployment procedures and versatile capacity trials included: video surveys, high-resolution

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Rivers Melt Arctic Ice, Warming Air and Ocean

NASA Arctic Canada

A new study shows that increased heat from Arctic rivers is melting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and warming the atmosphere. The study published in Science Advances was led by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, with contributing authors in the United States, United Arab Emirates, Finland and Canada. According to the research, major Arctic rivers contribute significantly more

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MacArtney Tech for Largest Polar Expedition


MacArtney Germany has designed and delivered an underwater ice camera system for the RV Polarstern, a German icebreaker that has embarked on a global climate mission to investigate and research previously inaccessible regions during an Arctic winter. The MOSAiC International Arctic Drift Expedition, led by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, will collect vital data on climate change

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ASL Hires New Metocean, Arctic Project Manager

ASL Environmental Sciences has appointed Dr. Matthew Asplin to the position of metocean and Arctic project manager. Asplin brings a diverse set of multidisciplinary research skills in meteorology, sea ice and oceanography, and has more than 15 years of experience in these fields. He will be responsible for project management and client liaison tasks for projects across these disciplines and will be active in responding to business development

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