Tag Archives: North Sea

Wave Glider Mission Studies UK Zooplankton and Fish Populations

A state-of-the-art technique for mapping and counting schools of fish has been tested on an autonomous marine platform in the North Sea, offering a new method for collecting data on fish stocks. Cefas (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK) and Liquid Robotics have successfully deployed, tested and recovered a remotely piloted Wave Glider, which was adapted to allow scientists to

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Platforms Offshore Norway Go Electric, Replace Gas Power

The Norwegian company Equinor, formerly Statoil, has identified three offshore oil and gas platforms as candidates for replacing their gas turbines with electric power from land-based sources. According to Equinor, the transition may cut CO2 emissions by more than 600,000 tons per year. The platforms include Troll C and the Sleipner field center, which includes the Gudrun tie-in platform in

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Statoil to Remotely Operate Offshore Rig from Onshore Control Room

Statoil has created its first control room for operating an offshore drilling platform from an onshore location. The platform, Valemon, came on-stream in 2015 and produces 60,000 barrels of gas and condensate each day. While it has 40 cabins, Valemon will now be operated by rotating shifts of 14 operators from the control room in Bergen, Norway, which was launched

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