Tag Archives: seafloor

TCarta Global Sat-Derived Bathymetry

TCarta Marine, a global provider of hydrospatial solutions, has introduced a global satellite-derived bathymetry (G-SDB) product line developed with a new seafloor depth measurement technique that leverages machine learning and NASA ICESat-2 laser data. The first G-SDB offering covers the entire Red Sea–available now–with additional data sets to be rolled out through the end of this year. The commercial TCarta

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Fugro Part of Remote Sat Seafloor Mapping

Fugro is participating in an EU co-funded research and innovation project to develop a remote solution for global satellite-derived seafloor mapping. The three-year project, named “4S” (Satellite Seafloor Survey Suite), will develop an online cloud-based solution that will use highly automated Earth-observation algorithms and workflows to remotely map and monitor seafloor habitats, morphology and shallow-water bathymetry. Fugro will lead the

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Data from Uncharted Waters Provides Key Insights into Glacial Melting Processes

Seabed 2030

New bathymetric and oceanographic data collected by an international team of ocean scientists provide important insights into the processes that are controlling the rapid loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet over the last four decades. The ground-breaking data, published in the Nature Journal Communications Earth & Environment, will be contributed to The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, which aims to have

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Recap: Industry Role in Seabed 2030, MTS Virtual Event


In order to achieve the ambitious goal of mapping the world’s oceans by the year 2030, the combined efforts of marine technologists and scientists from around the world will be needed to develop and deploy the next generation of ocean mapping technology. Responding to this challenge, the Marine Technology Society (MTS) D.C. section and headquarters office held a virtual conference in

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New Genus of Giant Single-Celled Organism Found in Deep Pacific


Two new genera and four new species of giant, single-celled xenophyophores (protozoans belonging to a group called the foraminifera) were discovered in the deep Pacific Ocean during a joint project between scientists at the National Oceanography Centre, U.K. (NOC), the University of Hawaii and the University of Geneva. “Moana” (meaning “the sea”) has inspired the name ‘”Moanammina” for one of the new

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