Tag Archives: Caribbean

LiDAR for Conservation of Caribbean Blue-Carbon Ecosystem

In collaboration with Beneath The Waves, a global nonprofit dedicated to protecting marine environments, Hexagon AB’s R-evolution is leveraging Hexagon’s airborne bathymetric LiDAR technologies to detect, map and capture critical details about the seagrass meadows of the Caribbean islands, including their extent and composition, beginning with the coastal waters of the Bahamas.

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New Study Spotlights Role of Microbes Living Next to Corals

WHOI microbes coral study Cuba

Symbiotic algae living inside corals provide those animals with their vibrant color, as well as many of the nutrients they need to survive. That algae, and other microbes within the bodies of corals, have been extensively studied—yet until now, researchers have largely ignored the microbial communities just outside of the coral colonies. A new study recently sampled the seawater surrounding

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Jamaica Seeks Seat at IMO Council

Jamaica launched its bid to be elected to Category C of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council last Thursday (February 2). The IMO Council comprises three groups of states, designated as Categories A, B and C. Category C is open to 20 states that have special interests in maritime transport or navigation, and whose election to the council will ensure

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