Tag Archives: China

IPCC in Lanzhou to Advance Ocean and Cryosphere Report

Experts from around the world are meeting in Lanzhou, China today through July 28, 2018 to advance preparations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC). At the meeting, which brings together more than 100 scientists from more than 35 countries, SROCC lead authors will discuss next steps and

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China’s Arctic Ambitions: Q&A with Sherri Goodman

Arctic icebergs

  The Arctic has traditionally been a region where cooperation has been common between nations. Its significance on the world’s geopolitical map is changing, however, as global warming leads to increased ice melt, thus reducing barriers to maritime navigation. Less ice means more shipping traffic and better access to resources, most notably, oil and gas. China, despite not having any

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Update: Seven Charged with Stealing Trade Secrets

We recently linked to a story about seven people being charged with stealing trade secrets in syntactic foam. Our source speculated that CBM International Inc. (CBMI) in Texas was the company involved in the controversy, which was confirmed by a Law360 story. According to Law360, a Chinese national recruited Shan Shi, who is among those charged, to form CBMI. An affidavit says

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