Tag Archives: coastal ecosystem

IPCC in Lanzhou to Advance Ocean and Cryosphere Report

Experts from around the world are meeting in Lanzhou, China today through July 28, 2018 to advance preparations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC). At the meeting, which brings together more than 100 scientists from more than 35 countries, SROCC lead authors will discuss next steps and

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Open Channels: Sustainable Meetings Around the World

Open Channels is a sustainable ocean management and conservation group that provides an information hub for ocean professionals geared toward sustainability. Open Channels provides listservs, an online library, webinars, calls for proposals, podcasts and more information in an online community platform. The organization also aggregates a list of sustainable ocean conferences and meetings around the world. Check out the list

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