EOI: UK Technical Study, Offshore Electricity Transmission Cable

The Crown Estate is an independent commercial business with a portfolio that is one of the largest in the U.K. It is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from suitably experienced and qualified suppliers wishing to bid for opportunities in the marine department for a technical study relating to offshore electricity transmission cable installation, layout and footprint.

A two-phased approach comprising three stages is envisaged. The two phases may be carried out by different organizations/consultants.

Phase 1 (Stage 1) – Design of Approach

  • Part 1: Information gathering exercise on current guidance and practice.
  • Part 2: Gap analysis, design of approach to engagement and engagement questionnaire.

Estimated start for Phase 1: September
Expected duration: two months
Phase 2 (Stages 2 & 3) – Execution and Reporting
Stage 2 will comprise a comprehensive stakeholder engagement exercise in accordance with the approach and consultees identified during Stage 1 of the study.

Estimated start for Phase 2: end of year (2022)
Expected duration: four to six months

Should you wish to submit an EOI, clearly state this via email by referencing Phase 1 – Design of Approach and/or Phase 2 – Execution and Reporting in your email to: MarineDevelopmentTenders@thecrownestate.co.uk.
Expressions of interest should be submitted by August 19, 2022.

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