Deep Sea and Marine Research Exhibit in Frankfurt

The Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt am Main invites visitors to dive into the themes of “Deep Sea and Marine Research.” They will learn about technical challenges and fascinating forms of life. The immersive exhibition experience is the first part of a modular master plan, which was decided on in 2015 and is now being successively implemented. It envisages four large areas: human, earth, cosmos and future. The master plan and the design of the two, newly opened thematic spaces come from ATELIER BRÜCKNER.

“Deep Sea and Marine Research” serves as an introduction to the “Biotopes of the Earth,” to which the second floor of the museum is dedicated. It can be reached via the main staircase of the old building, which was erected in 1917. The narration will develop along an elevational gradient that starts in the deep sea and continues into the high mountain regions as its destination.

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