Tag Archives: exhibit

UK Exhibit–Exposure: Lives at Sea

The National Maritime Museum in the U.K. is featuring a daily exhibit in the New Insight Gallery called “Exposure: Lives at Sea.” Over 85 percent of all goods coming to the U.K. still arrive by ship. We rely on the maritime sector for our food, ecosystem services, energy and transportation, yet it is a world rarely seen. Bringing together photography

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PEM Art Exhibit: ‘In American Waters’

In American Waters exhibit

From May 29 to October 3, the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem, Massachusetts, will feature “In American Waters,” a painting exhibition that reframes and expands our understanding of American culture and environment by looking at the sea. For over 200 years, American artists have been inspired to capture the beauty, violence, poetry and transformative power of the sea. The exhibition features

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Today: Virtual, Live Savage Ancient Seas Exhibit

Mote Savage Ancient Seas

A special, live, virtual event featuring Mote’s “Savage Ancient Seas” exhibit will take place Wednesday, December 2, at 5:30 p.m. EST as we kick off the holiday season. This is one of your last chances to visit “Savage Ancient Seas” with Mote’s fossil fanatic, Ross Johnston. Join Johnston on a journey through the shallow inland sea that cuts North America in

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