Tag Archives: Greenland ice sheet

Data from Uncharted Waters Provides Key Insights into Glacial Melting Processes

Seabed 2030

New bathymetric and oceanographic data collected by an international team of ocean scientists provide important insights into the processes that are controlling the rapid loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet over the last four decades. The ground-breaking data, published in the Nature Journal Communications Earth & Environment, will be contributed to The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, which aims to have

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Variation in Air Pressure Patterns Creates Extreme Ice Melt Conditions

Scientists have known for years that warming global climate is melting the Greenland ice sheet, the second largest ice sheet in the world. A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), however, shows that the rate of melting might be temporarily increased or decreased by two existing climate patterns: the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) and the Atlantic multi-decadal

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