Tag Archives: manatee

Adopt a Manatee

Save the Manatee

Looking for a unique gift for mom on Mother’s Day (May 10)? Save the Manatee Club offers manatee adoptions as possible gifts. All the manatees in the Adopt-A-Manatee program are living manatees studied by research teams in Florida, with known family histories that are traced through female matriarchs. You can choose a manatee like Lucille, a mother and grandmother who

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Smithsonian Scientists Use Sonar to Count Endangered Manatees

Panama’s largest manatee population is thought to live in the San San Pond Sak in the province of Bocas Del Toro, but, like all the world’s manatee species, the Panama population is disappearing fast and at risk of extinction. Researchers who want to keep track have historically relied upon interviews, historical records and sightings from boats and airplanes. But sonar provides

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