Tag Archives: MRSA

Microbes in Fishes’ Slimy Mucus Coating Could Lead to New Antibiotic Drugs

By Sandra Loesgen, Oregon State University One day in the future, you may take a pill to treat an illness – and owe your recovery to the tiny microbes that flourish in the slippery layer of mucus that coats fishes. It is critically important to find the next generation of antibiotics. The incidence of bacterial infections resistant to current antibiotics

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From the Seafloor to the Drugstore: Inventor Amy Wright on Marine Natural Products

Chemicals in marine organisms show promise for new medicines. Inventor Amy Wright is discovering why. Those were the glory days. Amy Wright would plop down into the seat inside a giant acrylic dome to be submerged 3,000 feet underwater, with a front-row seat on the wonders far below the waters off the Florida coast. It was Wright’s first job as

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