Tag Archives: positioning system

Star-Oddi Launches A New Compass Heading Data Logger

Starmon Compass

Star-Oddi has launched the Starmon compass, a new compass heading data logger with high accuracy and a large memory. This robust logger is ideal for analyzing heading direction and tilt movements on subsea gear and robotics. Both vertical and horizontal placement is possible. Starmon compass boasts multiple sensors in a compact titanium housing. In addition to heading, pitch & roll,

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Study Examines how Dumped Munitions Move Underwater

University of Delaware researchers are studying how unexploded ordnance and munitions that were dumped in the oceans move underwater in order to better locate them for removal. They are using AUVs, sensors and positioning systems to study how fabricated surrogate munitions that they planted at a test site in Delaware Bay move over time depending on sediment, currents and storms.

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