Study on Offshore Electrification

Global energy consultancy Xodus is assessing the infrastructure and modifications required to enable electrification of Harbour Energy’s Central North Sea assets following the successful delivery of a power optimization study examining the opportunities available to rationalize the generation systems on the Everest and Lomond assets.  

Implementing electrification on offshore assets can reduce operational expenditure, increase uptime across all assets and minimize carbon emissions.  

This study has the potential to provide essential input to the wider oil and gas community within the North Sea to enable a significant reduction of carbon emissions from offshore operations.

The Oil & Gas Authority’s UKCS Energy Integration Report last year calculated that electrification could abate UKCS oil and gas operational emissions by 2 to 3 Mt CO2 p.a. by 2030, which is the equivalent of reducing 20 percent of today’s production emissions, rising to 40 percent by 2030. It also noted that platform electrification could extend the operating life of existing assets and achieve cost efficiencies in the development of new oil and gas fields. 

Learn more here.


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