Tag Archives: metocean

AXYS New Metocean Hire

Richard Khaira-Creswell

AXYS has appointed Richard Khaira-Creswell as the director of the Project Management Office (PMO) and senior principal metocean engineer.    The PMO at AXYS coordinates efforts company-wide to help the company meet and exceed clients’ floating LiDAR and metocean campaign project expectations.    Khaira-Creswell now oversees a team of project managers who work closely with client teams, internal groups and

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Metocean Wave Buoys for Indian Ocean Islands

MSI Seychelles

Metocean Services International (MSI) was awarded a contract for the installation of AXYS TRIAXYS directional wave buoys in Comores, Seychelles and Madagascar as part of the Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa (MESA) program, funded by the European Union and implemented by Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI). These buoys will contribute to increasing the decision-making and planning capacity of institutions mandated for marine and

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ASL Hires New Metocean, Arctic Project Manager

ASL Environmental Sciences has appointed Dr. Matthew Asplin to the position of metocean and Arctic project manager. Asplin brings a diverse set of multidisciplinary research skills in meteorology, sea ice and oceanography, and has more than 15 years of experience in these fields. He will be responsible for project management and client liaison tasks for projects across these disciplines and will be active in responding to business development

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