Tag Archives: infrastructure

USCG Updates Cyber Strategic Outlook

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) has released an updated Cyber Strategic Outlook to address the rising threat of cyberattacks against critical maritime systems essential to the U.S. economy and security. The Coast Guard’s 2021 Cyber Strategic Outlook charts a path to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving cyber domain where threats to information and operational technology systems outpace those

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Offshore Renewable Energy Innovation Challenge

offshore wind

The U.K. Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has partnered with the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) to launch the latest marine innovation challenge, focused on the offshore renewable energy sector.  As part of the ADMIRALTY Marine Innovation Programme, the latest challenge invites participants to develop solutions that use marine geospatial data to help identify new areas for offshore renewable

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Fast-Moving Undersea Waterfalls Control Submarine Channels

NOC waterfalls submarine channels

New research led by the U.K. National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has discovered how fast-moving waterfalls under the sea control the shape and behavior of submarine channels. These underwater channels are the offshore equivalents of rivers, but can be much larger. Submarine channels can extend for tens to thousands of kilometers offshore, providing an important conduit for the transfer of sediment,

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Port Association CEO Testifies on Clean Diesel Projects

The CEO of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), Kurt Nagle, testified Mar. 13 before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works in support of renewing the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA). His testimony details case studies in which DERA funding has been used to replace cargo-handling equipment, locomotives and trucks that service U.S. ports. In 2014, new

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$40 Million Available for Marine Labs and Biological Field Stations

The National Science Foundation (NSF) plans to award a total of $40 million to between 50 and 80 different projects in program areas that include improvements to biological field stations, marine laboratories and cyberinfrastructure for biological research. This grant program, facilitated under the Division of Biological Infrastructure at NSF, has been offered before, and funding now continues into fiscal year

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How US Coastal Communities Are Building Climate Resilience

According to the Third National Climate Assessment, nearly 5 million people in the coastal U.S. live within 4 ft. of their local high-tide level, and global sea levels are predicted to rise by up to 6.6 ft. by 2100 compared to 1992 measurements. Extreme weather events such as hurricanes, which bring with them flooding, are increasing in frequency and causing

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