Marine Professionals at Work Photo Contest

Whether it’s a view from the top of a wind turbine, at the helm of a bridge, working on an underwater archaeology site, or with marine mammals, the IMarEST is inviting marine professionals to showcase their working life as part of the Marine Professionals at Work photography competition 2023 to inform and inspire the next generation.   

The competition is open to marine professionals of every discipline. Entrants can take part by snapping a photograph that showcases a moment in their day and brings to life what their role involves. Selected photographs will be featured in the IMarEST’s career series online, and the best entry will be awarded a £50 Amazon voucher. 

Photos must come with captions that describe your work and/or some advice for those who are interested in following the same career. 

Entries with your photo, caption, name, job title and, if you wish, your organization should be sent to: with the subject line “Photography Competition.”

Alternatively, you may post your submission on Instagram and tag @theimarest.

Deadline for submissions is 10 am (GMT) February 10.

Winners will be contacted by email/DM February 24. 

See more details at:

Read IMarEST’s editorial in Sea Technology‘s January 2023 issue here.

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