Apply: UK Marine Conservation Grants

Sea-Changers, which gives grants to U.K.-based charities and nonprofit organizations (including schools) carrying out marine conservation-related activities, is currently accepting applications for its Main, Innovation and Small grants funds.

Projects chosen will achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • To address the root causes of marine conservation threats and challenges in the U.K.
  • To prevent or reduce negative impacts on U.K. coastal and marine environments and/or species.
  • To add to the body of knowledge about marine conservation threats and challenges in the U.K.

The maximum award for the Main Grant Fund is £2,500. The next deadline for this round of applications is September 30. Visit for details.
Sea-Changers Small Grant Fund is another opportunity, and those interested can apply at any time for grants of up to £500. More information is available at:

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