Tech Partnership to Advance Coastal Management in Philippines

TOPODRONE, a Swiss-based designer and manufacturer of high-precision surveying equipment, and RASA Surveying, an integrated surveying company, are partnering to advance airborne survey approaches and meet coastal management and monitoring demands in the

Coastal cities in the Philippines are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and climate-related disaster events, and they are expensive and challenging to map using conventional technologies. UAV-based surveying of coastal environments enables quick and accurate collection of shallow-water data on the land-sea interface.

RASA Surveying’s new approach synchronizes current photogrammetry and LiDAR practices with the bathymetric data collection capabilities of TOPODRONE AQUAMAPPER. The combination of orthophotos, above and below waterline point clouds, and bathymetric data is expected to better support authorities to manage coastlines and enhance the resilience of coastal communities.

To learn more about RASA Surveying team’s test flight with TOPODRONE AQUAMAPPER in the Cabuyao City, Philippines, watch the video:

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